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Friday, December 13, 2013

School, New Ventures, and Christmas Promotions

Hello fellow readers!

Exams are tough, but the days are slowly going by and the end is near!
I am very stressed, but I'm trying my best to pull through!

I'm very excited for the new year, because I have set a couple new goals / resolutions for myself. New years resolutions used to be very "loosey goosey" for me, and they never stuck. As a matter of fact, not a lot of goals stuck.

But now that my life has changed for the better, I've become a stronger person and I'm looking forward to working towards these goals.

1. I've been very bad with keeping track of my food intake, and I believe that this could be affecting the maximum results I'm seeing from my workouts. 

2. When I first started my fitness journey, I ran almost every day. But once I started picking up the weights and seeing results, I've slowly stopped running. I really want to pick it up again during the new year because I once loved it so much, and also because I want to shed some of this fat to show off the muscle I've built :) 

On a related note:

If you're reading this and you haven't downloaded my ebook yet, you can do so here! It's a short but detailed collection on topics related to health, fitness, and exercise.

So wait no longer - download your copy today!
In favor of the holiday seasons, use the promo code (xmaspromo) to download yours at a discounted price too!

I sincerely think that this is a great resource for individuals who are first starting out in their fitness journey. I have put what I've learned along the way PLUS answering the question that I had when I first started. However, if you have already started your journey (congrats!), there is always room for more! Did I mention that there are also FREE workout routines included in the book? ;) 

Put "Be a healthier, more physically active and fit version of myself" at the very top of your list! Download today! 

3. SAVING MONEY $$$. Probably my biggest concern. With absolutely zero income and countless zero's of expenses, this is starting to take a toll on my bank account. I'm a full time student, but despite living at home, I still try to put in my share for bills and buy my own groceries. I am going to work on SPENDING LESS MONEY on unnecessary things like online shopping (but it's so fun!) and SAVING money by checking the flyers for the grocery deals of the week, ie. a penny pincher and a coupon collector haha. 

There's more that I want to tell you guys, but I must get back to studying now! 
Bundle up if your city is covered in snow! 


Selina :) 

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