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Sunday, March 9, 2014

Update! (03/09)

I'm still alive! Haha. 
This will be a quick post. 
I know the blog is on hiatus, but there are a few exciting things that 
have happened, and I would still like to share with you guys! 

#1: I came up with this idea, and easily persuaded my boyfriend in joining me. 
Every week we will give each other a challenge, and when we complete the 
challenge we each get a "star". These challenges can be anything like workout
 out at least 3 times a week, or packing 4 healthy lunches that week. 
Here's how we track the challenge: 

We're starting week 3 tomorrow, and I'm so excited! 
Every 5 stars that we each get will mean we can do something special to treat 
ourselves - going out for a fancy dinner, buying each other a little special 
something, etc. It's all about motivating each other and pushing each other to do 
better than the day before! 

#2: The Bikini Booty Summer Body Challenge is finally coming together! 
I've got the hard copy "manuscript" of it here with me, and it's both exciting 
and exhausting. Exciting for all the obvious reasons, but exhausting because
 of the hard work and time I've put into this while trying to balance 
school and everything else. 

I hope you're looking forward to it as much as I am! 

That's it for now loves! 


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