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Monday, May 5, 2014

Workout of the Day: Back and Biceps (05/05)

Bikini Booty Summer Body Challenge - Week 1 Day 1 

Day 1 of my Bikini Booty Summer Body Challenge today and I KILLED it! It was also my first day back at the gym for weight lifting, but it went way better than I expected! 

I was able to maintain much of my strength that I had before, and I was sweating like a crazy person! Did my back and biceps workout (above), followed my 20 minutes of HIIT cardio, and some much needed stretching and foam rolling : ) 

My goal is to work for a body that will make me feel more comfortable and confident in my own skin - with and without clothes ;) 

One of the challenges with this challenge is staying consistent. That has always been one of my weak spots. They say that if you want it bad enough, you will work hard for it. But I also believe that you have to find the right type of motivation too. Scrolling through female physiques of females with six-packs and defined front and behinds just isn't for me. 

So for those of you who are also starting on your fitness journey, or kicking things up a notch, here is a little motivation for you too :) 

And for the dolls out there who feel a little sluggish some days like me, keep this in mind! 
An expert once said, schedule your workouts like a business meeting with yourself. You wouldn't skip out on a meeting with a client, so why should you skip out on your own meeting? 

We all have the same 24 hours in our day, but the difference between "having" time and "making" time is your priorities. If health and fitness is one of your top priorities, then you will make time for it, and go through with it :) 

I hope you guys enjoy these snippets of motivational posts, as I am working on posting more of them on my blog! I'm not the most motivated person, but I am working on being more positive in my mind, on my surroundings, and through my actions :) 

That's all for now!
Have a lovely Monday!


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