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Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Why Do You Exercise? (05/28)

Seeing my friend post about why she exercises got me thinking about the question. 

1⃣ I don't want to be overweight - I've always remembered being a chubby kid growing up, and my parents were always encouraging me to "lose weight". I'm older now, but no doubt I am still overweight. 

2⃣ I want to be healthy. By no means does being a bit overweight directly links you to being unhealthy, but I definitely don't feel great about myself when I'm feeling breathless after 3 flights of stairs (I hate you university) 

3⃣ I want to feel more confident over my body. Some days, I feel like a sexy panther 🐯and I'm ready to take on the world. Some days, my body makes me want to hide in a bag 👝 

4⃣ I want to live up to my promises. I've made many goals in my lifetime, some accomplished some left unfinished. Being able to lose the excess body fat and keeping it off has been one of the unfinished ones. I was able to lose 15 pounds over a 6 month period, but school stress and lack of exercising helped me regain that quickly.  

5⃣ I want to use my knowledge and passion for health and fitness to help people. 
6⃣ I want to be able to live my life as an example and help others. I've finally been accepted into Dietetics Nutrition this year, and with the completion of my degree I will be able to help many others with their health challenges. 

7⃣ I want to have a flat stomach one day - doesn't have to be ABS. Just a flat tummy - cause I've never had a flat tummy 

8⃣ I want to have that big booooty! 

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