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Tuesday, September 10, 2013

I Feel Fat Today + Weekly Update

Today was intended to be a leg and glute day, but I ended up doing a few others things as well. 

Today’s Workout
Back butterflies - 10lbs - 2 sets 
Bentover barbell rows - 30 lbs - 2 sets 
Seated cable rows - 30 lbs - 2 sets 

Donkey kicks - 15 reps - 2 sets 

Leg extension - 35 lbs - 3 sets 
Lying leg curls - 35 lbs - 3 sets 
Weighted calf raises - 30 lbs - 2 sets 
Barbell squats - 30 lbs - 4 sets 
Straight legged deadlifts - 30 lbs - 2 sets 

The reason behind the title of this blog is that I honestly felt that way :\ Of course it’s not great, but I can’t help it when there are days that my hormones aren’t co-operating and make me feel not the greatest. None the less, I went to the gym and did what I wanted to do. Minus the interrupted phone call from my grandfather, things went decently well today. 

We have stepped into the second week (first full week) of class for this semester, and I just wanted to do a quick update on how things have been going or have changed :) 

  • I haven’t gone back to my usual gym to workout as there is a perfectly fine (but super busy) facility here on campus that I already pay for as part of my tuition. Although it’s crowded, sometimes the crowd fades and you manage to squeeze in full sets on the lat pulldown machine without having to share it. 
  • Something I want to point out: gym sessions use to be warm up, some cardio, bicep curls, and then cool down and I’m done. I have to say that gym sessions are so much more fun now, now that I get to do so many other things and constantly keep challenging myself. Don’t be afraid to lift weight, ladies. It will only do you good if you listen to your body and use correct postures. 

  • Watching my diet more closely. I suffered from a few binging cycles recently. This is something I have to admit and would like to share with my readers. Over the past weekend, I felt like I hit a low and had no control over my eating. This could have been influenced by mother nature’s call, but none the less, I do recall eating McDonalds and a whole Ristorante pizza in the same day. I also tried a vega after performance shake today for the first time! It tasted alright, but not being used to protein shakes, I have to say it tasted kinda "chalky". I had a few sips left that I couldn't finish. 

  • I’m not going to say that “i regret it” or overly obsess over it, because it’s in the past now. I’m going to the gym on a fairly regular basis now, and I’m enjoying my workouts and eating better to work towards my goals. 
  • For those of you who have been following, you may recall that I have recently changed my macro intakes. It’s been working alright so far, although I find it difficult to keep my carb intake within range, meaning I’m usually going over. I’m hesitant to up the carbs because I can’t figure out if my body actually NEEDS more carbs, or if I am just unable to fully control my cravings and my diet. 
  • My studies: definitely have to say I am being a keener and hitting the books early and hard this year (like wise with my gym sessions and weight lifting). Doing assignments ahead of time, reading the textbooks BEFORE class, and just trying to stay on top of the game. It feels good to know that I have control over my time now. 

With that being said, I am going to go study my class notes now :P 
Also snagged some freebies on campus today: free student agendas and free razors outside of the change rooms at the gym! Wooh!

Cheers! xoxo

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