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Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Workout of the Day: Lower Body (06/25)

Hey everyone!
Sorry for those of you who was redirected here from my instagram, and didn't see this post earlier like I had promised. Family plans came up, so I had to post-pone this post!

Anywho, I had a GREAT workout today at the gym. I spent over two hours there working out, which doesn't happen very often. But it was much needed. I started off with some cardio warm up on the stair-master, then did some warm up stretches. After my workout routine, I did some cool down stretches and foam rolled my entire body.

The full workout routine is below

I'm still struggling with my dead-lifts, as I don't have much flexibility on my hamstrings. I've been learning about stretching and flexibility in my Personal Trainer Certification Course, so I'm excited to start implementing that knowledge into my own workouts to help improve my own health and fitness.

I talked to one of the Facility Monitors/Instructors at the gym today about what it would take to be a personal trainer for the facility, and for a independent personal trainer on a contract at the gym. Not everything is working in my favor, but there are definitely possibilities for future opportunities for me there. I just have to keep working hard, keep checking back for job openings, and hope for the best!!

I've got split shifts at work this week, so I'll be allocating some of that down time to my studies and hopefully hitting up the gym just across the street from my work. I'll keep you guys updated with some workouts if that happens!


Monday, June 23, 2014

Workout of the Day: Upper Body Day (06/23)


I hope everyone's Monday has been off to a good start. 
I woke up exhausted from the past week of work, and didn't have much energy or motivation to hit the gym. But I knew that if I kept up with that attitude, I wouldn't ever want to go to the gym. 

So I got into my gym clothes, and went to hit the gym. I only have 2 days off this week from work, so I chose to do a upper body day and a lower body day. This will ensure that I get a balanced workout for the week! 

Today's upper body workout consisted of the following: 

It's my first time doing multiple body parts in one workout altogether, so I'll have to see how I feel tomorrow! I work tomorrow, so the lower body workout will come on Wednesday. Keep an eye out for that! 


Friday, June 20, 2014

Lifting Weights Changed My Life

I'm not joking. 

I've heard all of the "if you start working out you will feel better about yourself". And that is true. But I was mainly sticking to cardio and believed in the myth that lifting weights will make a woman bulky or "unfeminine". But lifting weights was one of the biggest moves I made for myself, and it has changed my life. 

It was May 2013 when I started lifting weights. I even remember taking Wednesdays off so I can go to the gym to use the weights - I called it Weights Wednesday xD 
I think after about 3 weeks, I started to really see some results - especially in my arms. I was hooked! I started to go maybe twice a week. The only thing that was holding me back was the soreness xD I was such a baby and would not go more than two days in a row because "I was too sore" :P 

I love lifting weights, but sometimes I feel like I'm not doing it enough to be really pushing myself. Sometimes I feel like I'm not really getting anywhere with it. I've always been in my comfort zone when it comes to the weights on the machines (ie. lat pull-downs and cable rows). It's rather in the free weights that I'm able to keep increasing the resistance. 

I blame the lack of consistency I have with the gym and the gaps I have between gym sessions (ie. 3 days off work and at the gym, and then 4 days at work with no workouts except walking all day). 

But the point of this post is that - doing something you've never done before, or have been afraid to do, maybe be the best choice of your life (except for drugs!) 


Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Workout of the Day: Legs and Chest (06/18)

Bikini Booty Summer Body Challenge 

I love glute workouts :D Leg days are one of my favourite days! It usually falls on a Tuesday because Monday is my rest day after four straight days of work, and doing it on Wednesday won't let me get enough rest before I go back to work. 

On top of these exercises, I also did some standard dumbbell squats. I feel like I'm trying to get ahead of myself by learning to do dead-lifts.  I was having a little struggle with them last week. So this week I wanted to focus on improving that first! 

I also learned this week that the stair master is actually a great form of cardio exercise that works your glutes, hamstrings, and quads with less stress on your joints (especially the knees). So I took my cardio on that today! Man , I was sweating buckets!! Gotta start using it more often :) 

Thanks for reading and your continued support! 


Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Workout of the Day: Back and Biceps (06/17)

Bikini Booty Summer Body Challenge Workout 

It's always nice to get back into the gym for a workout on Monday after working for four days straight. 
Work is always so busy, and I'm exhausted when I get home. Sorry for the vague posts! 
Starting to re-think this whole working full time thing :( 
I always feel so tired, and like I don't have enough time to do the things I enjoy! Not to mention I'm falling behind on my studying. Guess I'll have to push through this! 


Friday, June 13, 2014

Loving Your Life and What You Do (06/13)

Take a moment to think about this, gals. 
How many of your are happy with everything in your life? How many of you are satisfied with what you have achieved and don't want anymore? Probably not too many of us. But the most important part is to be happy and to enjoy the process of life. 

Sure, we should all set some goals in life and work hard towards achieving them, but what is life when you can't be happy and enjoy the process of it? Not every day will be sunshine and rainbows, but those days should outnumber the not so great ones. 

The title of my blog is "Lifelong Journey to Happiness". When I first created it, it was mostly about my daily adventures, things that were happening in my life, some stories, and occasional book reviews. But clearly, somewhere along the way I developed passion for fitness, working out, and lifting weights, and that has evolved into what my blog is today. 

Do I enjoy posting my workouts for you guys? Yes. Do I enjoy sharing my thoughts and stories? Absolutely. Does maintaining my blog feel like a chore/job sometimes? Not going to lie, but yes. Some days I'm really tired and don't feel like updating my blog, which is okay - yet I feel a little guilty. I want to make something out of myself, and my blog. And without continuous hard work and dedication, it won't happen easily. 

On the other hand, as much as I want that to happen, I'm not going to let it stop me from having fun and enjoying me life. There will be days like today where I'm all about posting things for you guys, and some days where I'd rather spend some time reading a book or laying in the sun. 

But as long as I'm loving the life I'm living (besides my current job as a food server, ick), I'll keep doing it :) 

Happy Friday everyone! 

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Workout of the Day: Backs and Biceps (06/11)

Bikini Booty Summer Body Challenge - Week 5 

This week marks week 5 of the Bikini Booty Summer Challenge! I feel like I've come a long way, yet haven't worked quite as hard enough (a bit on my workout, but mostly on my eating habits and diet). It's a mixed feeling of satisfaction with a hint of disappointment, hehe. 

Week 5 and 6 will include many circuit workouts; the fat-burning phase of the challenge. Circuit workouts with minimal rest time keeps our heart rate up longer, which pushes us to work harder. This results in burning more calories, and more fat! 

I've mentioned before that in order to see the results from the gym, our diet has to be clean, healthy, and balanced. Another important factor for seeing results is sleep. 

Sleep allows your brain to rest, and your body's muscles and tissues to repair. Training yourself lots at the gym and not getting ample rest can also impede on our results. Sleep plays a role in protein synthesis, and allows you to recharge for the gym or other activities for the next day. 

There is research that states sleep can be "made up" for, so take an extra couple hours on the weekends to sleep in if you cut yourself short of 8 hours a day during the week! 

I think I'm going to go take a nap, hehe :D 


Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Workout of the Day: Glutes, Glutes, Glutes! (06/10)

Whipped up a quick glutes workout last night for the gym today! 
I am moving fast with my dead-lifts! Did the Romanian / Stiff-legged dead-lifts last week, and this week I'm challenging myself to do some single-legged dead-lifts :D

I try to incorporate circuits into my workouts ever so often, to aid in the fat burning and sweating components. Sometimes it can be hard when all equipment are used up or if there isn't ample space at the gym. But this workout requires minimal equipment, and can be done easily in one spot almost the entire time! 

If you're working out hard at the gym but still not seeing the results you want or expected, the issue most likely lies in your diet. No amounts of exercise and outweigh a poor or bad diet. 

In order for your body to repair it's muscles and tissues, for your abs to show, it all comes back to your diet. A healthy, balanced diet with all the right foods (complex carbs, lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats, healthy fats, and moderate amounts of non-healthy fats) paired with challenging workouts is what will help you transform your body. 

I am a preacher of this, but I am not the best person at practice of it. We all have our struggles, and we all have room for improvement. For me, the biggest struggle is the healthy eating part. I love to look up recipes and go grocery shopping, but the habit of cooking meals every couple days to help me stay on track has not sunk in yet. 

Habits take time to build up and solidify. One of these days I will find a method that works for me, and hopefully you will too! 


Monday, June 9, 2014

Workout of the Day: Chest and Triceps (06/03)

Bikini Booty Summer Body Challenge Workout
I'll be honest with you gals, but it's getting a little hard to continue on with the challenge. No doubt that I haven't been on point with my diet, and this has dramatically affected my results. I haven't been able close to being able to achieve the bikini booty body that I had wished I would have by summer time. 

But I made a list of goals on June 1st, of the things I will do and work towards to achieve by the end of the month. And one of them is to go through with completing the rest of the program workouts, no matter how long it takes and no matter what the results are at the end. 

I'm still working 4 days a week of long long hours, so I'm also falling a little behind on my Fitness Trainer Certification studies as well. It's about time I checked in on how I prioritize my time. Because of that, I apologize for the infrequent posts, but I will do my best to maintain the quality of the posts!

P.S. Killed today's workouts! Going to feel it tomorrow! 


Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Homemade Chicken Quesadillas (06/02)

I made some BOMB Chicken Quesadillas for lunch today :D 
The ingredients were simple, and it was quick to make. 

1/2 a chicken breast, cut into slices 1 inch wide 
1/4 of a red pepper, diced 
1 slice cheddar cheese (or 50g shredded) 
50g shredded mozzarella cheese 
1 teaspoon fajita seasoning 

1. Wash and cut chicken breast into strips 
2. Heat a pan with oil on a medium heat. 
3. Put chicken in pan and sauté for 5-7 minutes. Add the seasoning at the beginning, 
and add the red peppers near the end 
4. Set the chicken aside in a bowl. 
6. In another pan at medium heat, heat up the tortilla with the cheese inside. 
7. When the cheese beings to melt, put the chicken on half the tortilla and fold. 
8. Heat on both sides for 1 minutes each for 4 minutes. 


Monday, June 2, 2014

Workout of the Day: Glutes and Abs (06/02)

Bikini Booty Summer Body Challenge - Week 4 Day 5 

Ladies! I am so proud of myself today! 
I completed the entire workout, and it was a KILLER! 
On top of that, I was actually able to make it to the gym after 4 long working days :D 
My legs were feeling like jelly and was shaking by the time I was doing my foam rolling at the end. 

So with the 4th week of the program, I introduced the dead-lift exercise. 
The dead-lift movement is often known as the best exercise for targeting the glutes and the hamstrings. When I did the exercise today, I learned the reason why. It is HARD. It really works your hamstrings. 

The reason I have put it off so far into the program is because I always had trouble with my squats. My knees would go past my toes, my back posture was not correct, and adding weights to the improper posture didn't help with my back pain. 

For the past 4 weeks, with 2 days each dedicated to some form of leg exercise and squats, I have been able to work on my form - and it has been back-pain free squatting for the last 3 weeks :) The posture is not mastered, but I know I've come a long ways. 

I tried to do dead-lifts with 10 pound dumbbells in each hand, and it was too painful (along with incorrect posture). So I tried 7.5 pounds. Still too heavy. I was started to get frustrated. I put the dumbbells away and started to go through the motion without the weights. Needless to say, some people were laughing at me and giving me side glances. 

But I didn't care - because I was doing it for me and it was helping me! After a few sets of that, I was able to do the movement with 5 pounders. 

Have to keep working on the posture though! 
Chest and Triceps workout tomorrow! 


Sunday, June 1, 2014

Taking A Break Because...

...I have been working so much the past couple weeks!
Sorry for the lack of regular updates, as I've been so occupied at work and haven't had time to workout or go to the gym. I'm feeling pretty energetic as I'm writing this, so I am looking forward to either a glutes/abs session or back and biceps session tomorrow! I'll post my workouts for next week daily, and add some motivational posts and tips in there too!
