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Thursday, September 19, 2013

School, Studies, and Pumping Iron (09/11-09/18)

Things are finally less crazy now, so I can sit down and tell you guys about what's been happening lately. 

School: I’ve been attending all my classes, paying attention in class, and being a keener by doing some assignments early and trying to read assigned readings before we cover the material in lecture. I’m still struggling a bit with the studying part, as I just can’t not watch some sort of tv show once in a while. It just makes some subjects in particular less boring :P 

Gym: The gym has been my second home the last couple weeks, and it has done me nothing but good and gains. I go with a group of my girlfriends, and though we don’t usually do the exercises together, it’s good to have someone to talk to and share laughter with every once in a while. I enjoy their company, but at the same time I am okay with going by myself too :) 

Finally starting to see the triceps starting to build up and bulge up! So excited to see this, because I remember when I first started, my boyfriend’s bi’s and tri’s got huge and mine were like, not huge at all, haha. I can also feel the back of my legs getting stronger day by day too - I try to fit in a few sets each of leg press and leg curls every time I go, slowly up-ing the weight every so often. Barbell squats have done my butt some good too! It’s all about lifting heavier, challenging your limit, and building those gains!! 

Life: Since school started, I did experience a few binging episodes - at least, I would consider them binges. As much as I’d like to say it was due to me not having control over it, I have to say it may have been related to my emotions as well. Now, instead of letting it all go, I try to tell myself that if I ate xxx food, I’d probably end up feeling so tired and not feeling so great, and how it could impede my progress. Then, I’d try to figure out what I could have instead that would be better and still fill me up - ex protein bar and a carton of milk. 

I noticed that I tend to deviate and struggle more off my diet plan closer to the evenings. I’m not too sure why that is, but it just seems like my food doesn’t satisfy me enough. I try hard to not go off my macro’s, but more than I’d like it ends up going off. Studying late into the night does play a part in that, since late night studying results in my wanting to snack. I’ll have to look into that and try to prevent it from happening. 

Self image: I’m starting to embrace more of the “love yourself before you love others”. I am starting to REALLY learn the importance of it - if I don’t love myself for who I am, then who will? I guess the added fact that I’m doing more good for my body, and as a result it’s producing more and better results that I like seeing. This definitely ties in. 

I try to focus on the things I'm doing today, and how it will benefit me in the long run. I've always thought that I've worked hard and deserve a treat, but it can't be like that every other day. That's probably the reason why I am here today (which I am still proud of), but not so many steps ahead. But I can't dwell on what's happened in the past, I just have to clean up my act, get it together and start fresh and move on forward. 

So, with that said, I have initiated a new challenge for myself, and that is: to eat as CLEAN as I POSSIBILIY CAN, work hard, and lift heavy. I’m not going to pull out a list of all the clean foods I am only allowed to eat, but I am going to incorporate more of those foods into my diet. By doing that, I’m hope to eliminate or rearrange the different foods in my diet. It’s a matter of balance and trying new things out. And of course, I will be working hard and being determined to go to the gym roughly 4 days a week (that’s what I’m aiming for). Of course, there will be weeks where I can’t go that many days, say midterm week, but you can’t stop me from trying :D 

For the readers who are students: I feel you! Things are slowly catching up! Don’t give up, and study hard! 

Cheers everyone! 

(An old pic of me from 2 summers ago - so you can see my flabby arms!!! ) 

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