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Tuesday, October 1, 2013

School, Stress, and Pumping (09/19 - 09/30)

Aloha fellow readers!
NOTE: I'm very sorry for the delay of this post, but I had started writing it, and things came up and I had to put it aside until now. 

It looks like it'll be a routinely weekly update, since I am beyond busy with school and working out. It's been hard hitting the gym more than 2-3 times a week, since things are picking up and I feel the need to put extra time into my studies. None the less, I still enjoy going to lift some iron at the gym and spend some quality gym time with my friends!

School: For those of you that follow me on instagram (@sellychan93 if you aren't following me!), you may have noticed that I've been trying to post more of the "inspirational" posts instead of just my boring old post-workout posing photos. I mentioned how I was really nervous about my organic chemistry labs (because I failed last year), and no matter how prepared I am I still get nervous.

Through that experience, I learned something new  (quote from my insatgram):
Optimism and perspective are key - they can change the way you see things, how you react, and ultimately how you feel For example: I've got a quiz and a spectrum analysis lab tomorrow, with which I have struggled constantly with the lab portion. Instead of freaking out about how I might not do great, I remind myself to be optimistic; I tell myself that I've studied hard, practiced, and I just have to do my best. 

I'd like to share the good news with you guys that both thus far, my labs, quizzes, and midterms have been going pretty well :) A few days ago, I experienced some anxiety attack and extremely high stress, and it was hard to stay in focus on my studies. It took me most of the night to calm myself down, and to re-calibrate myself to wake up bright and early the next day, ready to take on the day. I had to say, starting a fresh day made dealing with the anxiety better. I had a clearer mind to think, I knew what I had to get done, and I knew that if I was consistent with my habits I would be able to get things done. 

Bottom line, don't worry about something that's so far down the road, like I always do. 
Take it one step at a time, one day at a time. Focus on doing one thing today, and then another thing tomorrow. You can't overwhelm yourself by throwing everything onto your plate all at once. Most importantly, don't forget to spend time with the one's you love <3 

Workout: Making progress with my triceps as usual, but going to focus on working on my back muscles for the next few weeks.   I've noticed that when I go to the gym, I tend to focus on doing what will give me a good energy boost. I tend to do less of legs and back, and more of chest, shoulders, and triceps. This is probably due to last minute planning for my workouts, ie on my lunch break, so I just do what I feel like doing that day. When I have a few days off in a couple weeks, I'm going to sit down and take some time to plan out a dozen or so workouts that target different parts of my body and just follow it. 

Remember, if you want to get more details about my workouts, follow my instagram @sellychan93 ! There will also be more frequent updates on there than here. 

I must get back to studying now! My cat is watching me ... 

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