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Saturday, April 26, 2014

The Bikini Booty Summer Body Challenge is Here!


I am very excited to announce to you guys that the 6 Week Bikini Booty Summer Body Challenge officially starts Monday (April 28th, 2014)!

The workouts are fun, result-driven, and increases in intensity as the challenge progresses.
It's an assortment of weight training at the gym as well as cardio conditioning and ab workouts that can be done outside or at home.

To answer all the questions you might have...

Q: What does the challenge include? 
A: 6 weeks of detailed workout plans, progress trackers, over 30 pages of healthy eating guideline tips, my top 10 recipes, and workout diagrams to show you the exercises performed.

For a sneak peak at what the challenge includes, click here 

Q: What is the objective of the challenge? 
A: To achieve your summer body with a bikini booty (through hard work and determination) from weight-training and abs and cardio conditioning. 

Q: Do I need a gym membership? 
A: Yes, you will very likely need a membership. There are many free weight exercises, but there are exercises that require machinery as well. The challenge also includes at home workouts.

Q: Will I get bulky muscles? 
A: No, you will not get bulky muscles! For women, it's hard to build massive muscle size like men do because of the lower testosterone levels in our body. Instead, lifting weights will help build lean muscle, and can help us appear to look more slim, toned, and with curves too.

Q: How many times do I have to workout? 
A: 4 times a week

Q: Should I change my diet? 
A: You don't have to change your diet; however, diet is one of the most important, if not the most, factors when it comes to changing your body. You can spend many hours exercising, but if you are putting bad or not-so-great food in your body, results won't come and your body will reflect that. I recommend eating healthier, and incorporating more fruits and vegetables into the diet, and also making sure you are getting enough protein (for muscle building). And drink PLENTY of water!

Q: What can I get out of this program? 
A: A re-newed body, that you are more happy and confident about, a better knowledge on healthy eating, weight lifting, and nutrition. Plus all the prizes to be won! (Will be announced later next week).

Q: How much does the program cost? 
A: $6 USD. And you can download it right here to get started now!


Check my instagram frequently to see what prizes will be available!

Can't wait to see your transformations!


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