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Monday, December 29, 2014

10 Ways to Fit In A Quick Workout (12/29)

Aloha readers! 
If incorporating more physical activity into your daily life is a new priority to you, today's post will help you learn more about fitting quick workouts into your busy day. 
60-90 minutes of physical activity is recommended per day, but 10 minute intervals of exercise throughout the day can be very beneficial too. If you're short on time, or have a break at work, pick on of these exercises below and start moving! 

Around the House 
1. Power walk around the block twice when you're picking up the morning newspaper or the mail in the morning. 

2. While waiting for your food or water to heat/boil up, do alternating 30 seconds of jumping jacks and wall push-ups. For the push-ups, stand about arms length away from the kitchen counter and push your arms against the counter. Or, throw in some standing calf raises while hanging on to the counter edge. These can be done while waiting in/for the escalator too! (More later on how to skip using the elevator!) 

3. Bringing in the groceries from the car? If possible, hang on to them for another minute and do some bicep curls with the bags! 

4. Keep a pair of dumbbells close by the TV/couch - get up and do some jumping jacks and push ups during the commercials! 

5. Put on some music while cooking dinner or washing the dishes and shake that booty! Not only will it boost your mood, but it will help burn off some calories too :) 

At Work 
6. If you take the public transit to work, get off a couple stops earlier to and from work and walk the remaining distance. Take the stairs at work too! If you work in a high rise building, you may need to take the escalator up for most of the way - but don't let that stop you from getting off a few flights earlier and taking the stairs up! Try to walk down the stairs if possible too. 

7. Take a few minutes out of your coffee break to do some stretching to loosen up the muscles - especially if you've been sitting all day! Try doing 3 minutes of jumping jacks, pushups, high knees, butt kicks, toe touches, and side bend overs for 30 seconds each. If you can, set a timer to get up and move around for a couple minutes for every hour of work you put in. 

8. Work out on your lunch break. If your break is too short, take as little as 5 minutes to do some jumping jacks or pushups before eating. Or, choose a restaurant that's within walking distance for lunch, and walk there! Mid-day workouts can help increase your productivity too! 

Out and About 
9. While waiting at the checkout, do some calf raises or carry something and do bicep curls. Feeling bold? Do some air squats! 

10. Walk up the escalator or stairs while at shopping malls! 

Hopefully some of these tips will help you fit in some physical activity time during your busy day. The holiday seasons are upon us, and sometimes doing these little things each day can help make a difference in our fitness level! 

Happy Holidays, Cheers! 

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