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Friday, December 12, 2014

I'm Back!

Aloha readers! 
I'm back! If you've been wondering what I've been doing lately and why I haven't posted, the reason is what it always is - school ! School, school, school :) But exams are finished now, my holiday break has started, and I am back for good :) 
Along side with studying, I've been putting some time aside to figure out how to manage my time to keep this blog running throughout the 2015 year, as well as what type of content to bring to you! 
I love sharing my workouts, but they can get boring after so long! I've put a lot of time and effort into brainstorming some topics to kick off 2015, but I'd love to hear from you too! 
If there's anything YOU would like to read more about or see more of on my blog, leave a comment below, or send me an email @ ! 

For the month of December, my friend Rhonda and I have co-started a Facebook support group called "New Booty for the New Year". It's a support group for females who are doing the Brazillian Butt Lift,  or any other booty focused workout, and share their workouts, tips, and motivation to keep each other going! My job as an admin is to post a booty-building move each week and share with the ladies how they can incorporate it into their workouts to build the tush! 

This week's booty move was the glute bridge! 

Some things to remember with the glute bridge is to master the proper form before adding on (heavy) weight. This is crucial because we want to learn how to maximize the glute activation in order to get the full benefit of the exercise! This can be done by following through with the full range of motion. 
1. Keep your feet as close to your butt as possible (top picture). You can put your hands on the side to help stable yourself. Push up with the heels of your foot. 
2. Bottom left picture shows what it looks like if you are not pushing your hips all the way up. You want to hyperextend your hips, like in the bottom right picture, and really squeeze your glutes as you get to the top. This helps fully activate the glute muscles! 
3. To really get the burn, slowly lower yourself back to the ground in a controlled manner. 

I hope you like these picture guided movements - I hope to bring you more of it, as well as educational content! Visit back often ;) 


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