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Monday, October 27, 2014

Workout of the Day: Back and Bi's (10/27)

Today was my first day back at the gym after a couple weeks off due to the chaotic amount of work that had to be done during midterm weeks D= 
It was a hard workout to get through today because of my mentality, as it felt like half the time I wasn't really there :( On top of that, my heart rate monitor was acting up, and refused to tell me that I do have a heart beat. It either needs a good proper cleaning and battery change, or maybe it's just time for a new one! 
But tomorrow, tomorrow is a new day. And tomorrow, it will be better :) 
Not to mention that I got my LED Better socks to keep me warm AND show off during my squats :D 

Today's workout was very close to what my basic back and bicep workouts look like, but I also threw in those "should wing raisers". I wrote that when I was half asleep, so excuse the silly name. It's the exercise where you have your arms on your side in an L shape, and you lift the weights with upper delts and shoulder muscles. Ohhh I'm going to feel the burn tomorrow! 

This seemed appropriate since 1: I don't like the treadmill, and 2: the machines were all full for the next 2 hours when I got to the gym, so today was no cardio/elliptical day for me :P 

Legs and abs tomorrow! And maybe a little it of shoulder work, depending on how they feel! 
Until then! 


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