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Sunday, July 21, 2013

How My Life Has Been Lately

The past few months I have learned many new things and have met a lot of fun, supportive, inspirational people physically around me and on the virtual world. What I have come to realize is that sometimes I am actually really unhappy and unsatisfied with my life. 

It all comes down to this  

I believe in this quotation, 110%. People in your life are supposed to make you happy, be better, and feel good about yourself. What is the point in having these negative people who only bring you down? There is no point. What I am struggling with the most is the fact that these people in my life, the ones that bring my down, are surprisingly the ones that are expected to help lift me up. I'm talking about my family. I won't go into details about it, but in the end, it's true that a lot of my family members are the people that are contributing to the negative things in my life. I end up coming home frustrated, mad, and fed up with dealing with their negativity and how it's affecting the quality of my life. 

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