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Tuesday, July 23, 2013

My Fitness Inspirations

When I started this blog, I had an idea of what I wanted to do with it and what I would blog about. But I find it that I've been so busy with my life lately, that I've been posting to keep the blog running, but not necessarily sitting down in my thinking chair and typing all my thoughts out. 

I started this blog due to many inspirations and different kinds of motivations. Firstly, it was a good way to keep track and share with my friends and families what I was going through in my life. It would be able to detail the changes that I was making in my life, and how well/poorly I was progressing. 

Secondly, on top of my life and progress I wanted to share with people the things I learn every day. Wether that's from something about cooking, working out, or something that I never knew about the human body, I want to share all of that with you guys. 

So without further ado, here is a list of the many inspirations in my life/fitness life (in no specific order): 

My friends: 
My friends aren't the type of people that would point out that I've visibly gained weight, but I knew for a fact that I had gained weight since I started University, and even more after I got into a relationship. When I started my fitness journey, a bunch of my friends viewed my progress through instagram and this blog (you know who you lovely people are ;) ). They would send me messages, comment on my pictures and tell me how shocked, impressed, and proud of my progress and the things I am doing. And thank you guys for sharing your thoughts with me. It creates more motivation for me to become better.    

My boyfriend: 
Time flies when you're in love <3 Especially with someone who: tries to make you feel better whenever you're down, pushes you to do more and be better, and constantly encouraging you and reminding you how far you've come and how great your results are. That's my boyfriend. Not only does he encourage me with his words, but things have been easier in this "fitness/lifestyle change" challenge with him by my side. 

We started this journey together, and we are still in this together. Of course, we both had our different goals, but that didn't mean we couldn't help push each other to be better. I would more so help him by offering health advices, doing grocery shopping together, and he would always push me to go to the gym, do that extra rep in my bench presses, and so much more. He would never let me forget how far I've come and that I can't give up now. It was always a temporary slump that I went through, and he plays a role in the reason why I get up every time I fall. 

My mom:
Although at first my mom didn't like the fact that I was getting more muscular, she finally realized my reasoning behind it. She is very proud that I have already lost 10 pounds from my calorie deficit eating and extended cardio training from prior to my weight lifting training. Even now, when she sees me after I come home from the gym all exhausted and sweaty, she's happy because I'm happy :) And I'd like to thank her for letting me take over more than half the refrigerator with all my food xD 

My instagram friends: 
When I first started instagram (roughly 12 months ago), I remember it as a period of time where I was attempting to eat better and run more. Now, instagram is my main dose of inspiration and portal of knowledge. I have met a wide network of people that I call my "fitfam". These people are inspirational posters that put up inspiration posts, advices, tips, and their journey to a healthy life. Through them, I learn about many many things from the benefits of different kinds of foods, proper techniques for different exercises, workouts and circuit trainings, and so much more. Without them, some days I may have stayed at home instead of going to the gym, had a pizza instead of a homemade chicken sandwich, and who knows what. 

What I really enjoy the most is sharing our progress and tips, and constantly encouraging each other. There are a few individuals that I commute with regularly, and I would consider these people my motivators. 

A couple people I'd like to specifically mention are: IG fitness guru Lauren Gleisberg (@laurengleisberg) and my soon to be personal trainer Stan (@strongbystan) . 

Lauren plays a big part when it comes to my inspiration for fitness, health, and girls with muscles - even though she doesn't know it :) I found her IG a few months ago, and it made me realize that if I wanted to change, I can actually become skinnier, looking toned with lean muscle, and still look girly and be happy :) Her blog is beyond inspirational, with daily workouts, tips of the days, daily dose of inspiration, and beyond. 2 months ago, I started following her "4 Weeks to Tank Top Arms and Bikini Booty" workout. Although I have my sidetracked by work and other life issues, I am 3 weeks into the workout and I am already seeing great results. 

I started following Stan on IG only recently, but his personality and lifestyle had amazed me from the very beginning. He not only has a great physqiue, loves what he does, but he also finds the key balance in between things and helps others enjoys it. On the side note, he is also a student himself so he can relate to some of the reasons behind why I was struggling before. I reached out to him for advice a week ago for advice, and he gave me more than I was bargining for. He is now my (soon to be) personal fitness coach, making me personalized meal plans and workout programs. Needless to say, I am BEYOND stoked to get started. Both he and I know it! With my half lousy diet and occasional slips of going to the gym, and I am already seeing THESE results, I can't imagine what I can accomplish in there mere 4 weeks left before my vacation with Stan's help :D 

If you have read or skimmed all of that, I'd like to really thank you. You must be one of the many inspiration people in my lives. If not, I still thank you for having to read all about the important people in my life :) 

Cheers xoxo 

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