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Thursday, August 8, 2013

Hello fellow readers. So for some of you, perhaps you've been in the same boat or taken the boat for a ride like a few days like I have. The bad eating boat, that is. So if you're feeling kind of sick, or gross, or just want to give your system a reboot, I've taken some time out to look up some "detox" smoothies that seem tasty and will do their job. 

I have included a picture the blogger posted for the smoothie, as well as the original website link for where I got the recipie from. Today I tried the citrus smoothie and it was YUM-my. I had to tweak the recipie a little just because it called for a much larger serving size, and I didn't want it to be extremely sour. Please note that all these recipies have been reduced to make a one size serving. 

Detox Recipes 

Citrus Smoothie

1/2 orange
1/2 tangerine (didn't have)
1 banana 
1/3 lemon (I used half) 
1/4 lime (Only used the juice) 
1/8 cup milk 
1 teaspoon honey
3-4 large ice cubes 

Rinse and peel fruits and add to blender. Add milk and top with ice cubes and blend until smooth. Smoothie should have a thick texture. 

Original recipe here

Below are the rest of the detox drinks (juices and smoothies) I have come across and would like to try and share with everyone :) 

Super Hydration Juice 

1/2 cucumber
1 apple
Handful of strawberries 

Blend together in a blender 

Original recipe here

Mango Ginger Lemonade 

1/2 mango
1 lemon
1 thin slice of ginger 
i tbsp agave nectar (something I don't have) 
3-4 ice cubes 

Crush ingredients together in a blender 

Original recipe here

Citrus and Green Tea Detox 

1/2 orange
1/2 grapefruit
1/2 lemon juice
1/2 cup green tea
1/4 cup non fat greek yogurt 
1/4 banana 
1/2 cup ice 

Peel orange and grapefruit skin
Add tea and yogurt into blender 
Add ice and blend until smooth 

Original recipe here

Detox Blueberry Smoothie

1/2 cup blueberries (frozen or fresh)
1/4 cup (unsweetened) cranberry juice 
1 to 2 bananas 

Place all ingredients into blender and blend until smooth 

Original recipe here

Healthy Green Detox Smoothie 

1 1/4 cup pineapple juice
1/4 lemon (juice) 
Handful of fresh spinach leaves 
1/4 tsp fresh grated ginger 

Pour juice in blender, then add lemon juice 
Throw spinach into blender 
Peel ginger and grate it finely, and add into blender 

Good for alkalizing digestive system, packed with vitamins, minerals, fibre, and enzymes 

Original recipe here

Detox Green Juice 

1/2 green apple or pear
1/2 large cucumber
2 large celery ribs 
4 large leafs of kale 
1 small lemon 
Handful of cilantro
1 Kiwi 

Put fruit and vegetables in your juicer according to the instructions. Recommended to peel lemons first if they are not Meyer lemons (thinner skinned lemons). 
Enjoy as soon as possible for optimal nutrition 

Original recipe here

If you try any of these detox drinks, have tried them before, or have your own to share, please leave a comment below! 

Cheers! xoxo

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