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Tuesday, August 27, 2013

"It Starts with Food" Review

If you recall, I started reading a book called "It Starts with Food" by Dallas and Melissa Hartwig before I left for my trip. Due to the long hours of flying time, I am almost done reading it!

First things first, I think this was a really helpful book. It was very matter of fact-ly, and straight forward about the facts. There were parts where the facts they were explaining were very common things we all know about, but then there are also the facts and stories that are so shocking - things that you would never know about unless you personally did research into it - or like me, read the book.

With that said, my eyes have been opened to a different perspective of how the authors see food. They see it as something that should only make you BETTER, HEALTHIER, NATURAL. The foods you eat should only promote you to be better, nothing worse. It shouldn't mess with your hormones, or mental health, or your psychological ways of thinking. Even though there is scientific research behind all these statements, I cannot help but doubt if this diet is sustainable. There were many things that I do myself that I am told is WRONG and to NOT DO, and much much more.

I would love to share with you what the authors have researched and published, but it is also up to you if you would like to believe it or follow it. Personally, I've learned more about the chemical workings of our body and digestive system, but I'm not sure if I can 100% fully grasp it and believe it.

Keep your eyes open for the detailed review, which will be broken up by chapters/sections :)

Cheers! xoxo

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