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Friday, October 25, 2013

Practice What You Preach - Recent Changes in my Life

Tonight was a great night. I had a wonderful dinner with my beloved boyfriend. We enjoyed some very very delicious Italian food. If I’m going to allow myself to indulge, I am going to go all out! 

On a side note, you might be aware that I have been working on a lot of different things lately - including my new project. Late at night when I'm by myself, most often when I'm trying to get to sleep - a lot of things go through my mind. About what’s been happening lately, what I’m looking forward to, what I'm worried about... the list goes on. And I would like to take this opportunity to share a few things with you guys. What’s funny is that now that I actually get to sit down to try and write this stuff out, things just escape my brain. So trying my best, here is what I have to say:

From time to time, we will all have our struggles and our setbacks, and I am no different.  There will be challenges in other parts of my life that I have to deal with too, but these setbacks will only make me stronger, challenge myself, and to strive to do better.

I may not be the person with the best physique, or the best eating habits, and the highest commitment to going to the gym. But what I DO know is that I’m getting better at it every day. I’m trying to live life by following the motto “Practice what you preach.” And the growing passion and fire I have for health and fitness is only getting stronger every day. It motivates me to try harder and to do better. I am growing and learning more every day about so many new things that, and I want to be able to share it with you. On top of school work, I try to put in my time to do research and learn to be better. In turn, I hope to use my continuously expanding knowledge to help you guys be better too. 

What excites me the most about these things is that I am starting to have a vision of what I want to be doing when I’m done school. Being a student all my life, to imagine myself finishing school in the next couple years and having to come out into society is a little frightening. I’m sure there are others out there that get what I’m feeling. With that vision in mind, I have the ambition to go after things such as learning to become a personal trainer, getting the coursework I need to get a credential for that, building a network of online/local fitness family friends, writing eBooks and informative posts, and so much more. These are all the things that I want to do, purely because it’s fueled by my passion for the new things I am learning. 

Despite our brain having a finite capacity, we can never learn too much. Try to learn something new every day. I really hope that you’ve been able to learn something from me thus far, or that it’s engaged you to a certain topic and that you’ve done things elsewhere that has helped you learn something new. In the next few weeks I will hopefully be putting the final touches on my eBook project, and I will be able to share with you guys some of the many things I have learned so far in my fitness journey. There will be personal experiences, as well as formative instructions of starting/changing your lifestyle program. Follow me on instagram for the latest daily updates, or check back often on my blog to get more insight detail. 

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. 
Spend time with your loved ones and laugh till your stomach hurts

Selina :) 

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