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Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Slow Progress is Better than No Progress

Aloha everyone!
I have a couple exciting exciting news to share with you! 
But first, I shall recap my workout from today. 

I was super excited to get back into the gym today - literally. I had my music going, all pumped up. I literally ran to the gym the moment I was finished my lab! I did 4 back exercises, a couple bicep ones, and some cable glute kickback - because I finally found that piece of equipment to wrap around your ankle!
I'm excited to do day 2 tomorrow - chest and triceps. Got a lot of studying to do too because there are more exams coming up!

Now! As for those exciting news I have.... 

Number 1: Today is Day 1 of Week 1 to the restart of my 4 week challenge. If you're not sure what that is, you can find more information by clicking here. To sum it up, I designed this 4 week challenge program for myself to challenge and push myself to achieve greater results. This challenge includes about 2 rest days per week, lots of lifting, and cardio and conditioning days too. It will definitely push you if you aren't used to including weight training as your workout routines. And if you already do include weight training, hopefully these exercises will be a useful resource for you to use in your workouts to help you further achieve great results.

If you too are interested in doing something similar to the 4 week challenge, stay tuned because my eBook will be released very soon and it will get you prepared for this 4 week challenge. Along with that you can also get the 4 week challenge workout program separately too if you decide to commit to it. More details will be posted on that later on.

Number 2: The eBook is slowly but surely coming along too. I am so excited for you guys to see what I've been working on! 

You can expect to see things such as the very basic information of health and fitness concepts, the background and benefits of different forms of exercises, how to set goals and achieve your goals, sample exercises, and so much more! 

This will also be a great gift for your friends and family who are trying to be healthier, be more fit, or in general wanting to learn more about health, fitness, and benefits and 101's to working out. There are two links on my blog where you can purchase the eBook - at the very top of the page and on the side panel.

Number 3: I am starting some personal training with my very first client!! Now before we jump to conclusions here, I am using the term "personal training" very broadly here.

This client that I am working with, I have known her for many years on a personal level. She knows what I do, and she trusts me. She knows I know my stuff, and that I can help teach her about health and fitness. She first approached me a week ago with strong determination of taking control over her health and body. She has been doing yoga lessons with another close friend of mine, along with plenty of running. I am so excited, and so proud of her for stepping up and reaching out to me for help. Remember, the first step to getting somewhere is deciding you aren't going to stay where you are. 

And yes - I don't have my personal training certification. That is something I am working on and working towards. I do plenty of research online and I do my readings to ensure that I am teaching myself and my friends/clients the right things. I may not have the certification on paper, but I most definitely have some extent of knowledge and passion in my brain and heart. That you cannot doubt.

So on top of being busy with classes, studying, doing my own workout challenges, I am also doing research, planning routines, looking up techniques, and so much more for this new anticipated change!

Be sure to follow me on instagram if you don't already for more daily updates, and be sure to check back on my blog often for more updates on the book, my workouts, and my daily life.
Selina :)

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