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Monday, October 14, 2013

Updates on School, Injury, and New Adventures Yet To Come

Aloha everyone! 
Hopefully all my Canadian followers here had a wonderful Thanksgiving, ate lots of yummy food, and spent some quality time with their beloved friends and family members. 

If you are a follower of my Instagram (@sellychan93), you have came across a couple posts this past weekend about my injured back. I’m still not sure how I exactly injured my back, but it hurt a lot. Because of that, I had to put off my 4 week challenge workouts for a few days, and although I’m feeling better I have decided to give myself one more rest day. This also gives me the chance to 100% focus on my upcoming midterm on Wednesday. After that, I am ready to get back into full gear! 

Now since I have missed some workouts, I’m not going to jump straight into the week 2 exercises like I would have in the past. Sure I was pretty upset about being hurt and not being able to workout, but instead of beating myself up for it, this time I’m going to start off right where I left off. This will ensure that I actually “complete” all the exercises in the 4 week challenge, but obviously not within an actual 4 week timespan. 

In regards with school, I feel like there really isnt much to report! Im still studying hard, doing my notes, paying attention in class, and my marks are relatively still okay. This upcoming midterm seems pretty intense when it comes to all the information I have to retain, so I am a little worried about that, but other than that, things are almost homeostasis! 

As for the highlight of this week’s entry: New Adventures! 
Okay it’s not really an adventure, but it’s something new in my life and I want to share it with you guys! Thoughts and ideas are still being thrown around, lots of brainstorming going on, and it’s still unclear what’s  all that going to happen and when it’s going to happen, BUT, here is what I can tell you. 

This past weekend, I have put some thought and consideration into what I would like to do in the next couple years / after university. And the answer was: Personal Fitness Training. Now with that comes a broad idea. Ideally, I’d like to create a network of connections to people that have similar interests as I in fitness, health, and healthy lifestyle changes. I feel that with the growing fire and passion I have inside of me for this new lifestyle change, I can be a better person by helping others becoming a better version of themselves. There’s still a lot of thought, consideration, and time and effort that needs to be put into this big plan, but I am very excited and eager to put more time on it so instead of all talk I can start producing results :) 

That’s it for this week! Follow me on instagram or tumblr for daily updates! 


Selina :) 

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