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Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Workout of the Day: Glutes, Glutes, Glutes! (06/10)

Whipped up a quick glutes workout last night for the gym today! 
I am moving fast with my dead-lifts! Did the Romanian / Stiff-legged dead-lifts last week, and this week I'm challenging myself to do some single-legged dead-lifts :D

I try to incorporate circuits into my workouts ever so often, to aid in the fat burning and sweating components. Sometimes it can be hard when all equipment are used up or if there isn't ample space at the gym. But this workout requires minimal equipment, and can be done easily in one spot almost the entire time! 

If you're working out hard at the gym but still not seeing the results you want or expected, the issue most likely lies in your diet. No amounts of exercise and outweigh a poor or bad diet. 

In order for your body to repair it's muscles and tissues, for your abs to show, it all comes back to your diet. A healthy, balanced diet with all the right foods (complex carbs, lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats, healthy fats, and moderate amounts of non-healthy fats) paired with challenging workouts is what will help you transform your body. 

I am a preacher of this, but I am not the best person at practice of it. We all have our struggles, and we all have room for improvement. For me, the biggest struggle is the healthy eating part. I love to look up recipes and go grocery shopping, but the habit of cooking meals every couple days to help me stay on track has not sunk in yet. 

Habits take time to build up and solidify. One of these days I will find a method that works for me, and hopefully you will too! 


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