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Monday, September 29, 2014

Meal Prep + Getting Ready For The Week ! (09/29)

Aloha readers! 
The past week has been insane with the amount of school work I had! 
I'm a bit upset that I didn't make time for the gym, but it's time to put that behind and 
get my butt back into gym gear! 
Today I want to share with you a bit of my meal prep experience and some mind-health tips with you! 
Even though I stopped mid way through the 21 day fix program, I am still putting the resources to good use! These containers not only help me portion out some of my snack foods, they make me look super cool (maybe a bit crazy) when I pull out all 5 of them on my table in lecture xD 
(The yellow container is empty because I fill it up with frozen berries in the morning) 

I still had a lot of vegetables left over from this past week, and I know they are going to go bad if I don't use it up soon. So after dinner tonight, I made a huge veggie bake dish! 

I find this a great and non-wasteful way of using up all your leftover veggies :) I seasoned it with a dash of salt, few sprinkles of pepper, and a generous amount of both Mrs Dash Garlic and Herb seasoning and Original seasoning. 

Another good thing about veggie bakes as part of my meal prep; it allows me to do things while it's in the oven! I cooked this batch for about 25 minutes, and while that was being cooked I was able to: print my notes for class this week, clean the cat littler box, and write this blog entry! 
Multi-tasking at it's best (for me) ! 

Looking at things from a more 
As a college student, I undergo tremendous amounts of stress. Whether that be with school work alone, my personal life, sometimes financial and relationship related, stress clouds are always hovering around me! Many of the things on the left side of the picture does/has happened to me! 

I'm always trying to work on my organization (school, clothing, schedule) to maximize my time. 
One thing I've learned the past few months is prioritizing tasks! The disconnecting part is more difficult for me as I'm almost always using my computer for school work and business work, and I use my phone to communicate with friends, classmates, and clients. I have been trying to set it to airplane mode when I'm at the gym so I have a distraction-less workout! :) 
If you're feeling overwhelmed, take 5 minutes of your time, have a seat and take a deep breath. 
Use a pen and a piece of paper and write down why you are feeling overwhelmed (ie. tasks that need to be done), and jot down steps that need to be done in order to get those tasks done. By the end, you should have a more step-by-step plan of how to get your tasks complete! 

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Back to studying-a-go I go now! 


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