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Monday, September 15, 2014

Workout of the Day: Legs, Calves, and Core - 09/15 (Week 1)

Aloha readers! 
Guess what day it is's LEG DAY!!! 
I put my gym session in between my classes today, so I was on a time crunch between getting my workout in and done (full effort, no half ass shit!) and getting some lunch in my stomach - so no selfie today :p 

However, I'll remind you of this! 

Today's workout routine consisted of the following: 
(BW = bodyweight) 

My knee tends to crack a LOT when I've got it at a bad angle or there's too much pressure on it. So as you can see, I went with bodyweight lunges instead of DB lunges. Slowly working back to using dumbbells! 

Also focused a lot on my squatting form and my breathing during exercising. 
I definitely felt a sense of accomplishment when I was able to do 10 reps of bodyweight squat with good form, AND had my heart rate up in the 130's :) I've struggled with my HR in bodyweight workouts when I don't push myself hard enough! 

Even though it's a bit more stressful to try and fit in my sessions between classes (when I'm used to doing it after), it feels good to know that I'm putting my break time to good use and not just "wasting my time" on social media sites browsing. I think this is one step forward in improving my time management, as it allocates more time after school for me to study and spend time with friends and family 😉


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