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Sunday, September 14, 2014

What Inspires Me to Help You

Yesterday, I was scrolling through my instagram feed, and I happened to come across a post by the gosupersisters. It really touched me, not only because of similar situations among our family, but because of their passion for health and fitness. It reminded me of why I took the first steps of starting my own fitness journey, and what inspired me to help others. 
"Did you know more Americans die from heart disease than anything else? We know the dangers firsthand. When I was in third grade, I remember our mom telling us to GET IN THE CAR NOW because dad was sick and needed help. We drove to the hospital while he was in the backseat clutching his chest. We waited in the hospital for hours, unfed, sleep deprived and extremely scared. Our dad almost died that day. His heart, it just stopped. The unhealthy lifestyle finally caught up with him. 
Growing up in Michigan, you're not often exposed to healthy eating or exercise unless your parents teach you. Especially if you live in a food "desert" where you don't even have access to healthy food at all. But you still have to TRY. Why? Because people who care about you are depending on you. As if watching our dad almost die as kids wasn't scary enough, several years later he was scheduled to have spinal surgery and it got delayed due to his heart condition. 
Sadly for him, that delay was too much. His spinal discs slipped and severed his spinal cord, paralyzing him from the waist down. He can walk now after years of physical therapy, but not well. He's been disabled ever since. 
We don't just share exercises and recipes to help you "look" a certain way. We want you to have a better quality of LIFE because we've seen firsthand what poor choices can do to a persons health and how it can affect literally everyone who knows them. If we are looking at the bright side, this experience made is who we are now. We take care of ourselves much better now and the thing is... We also look younger now than we did years ago, simply for the fact that we eat well, hydrate and strength train on a schedule."

After reading their post, it made me reflect upon why I chose to take the first steps to living a healthier lifestyle, and why I want to have the knowledge and the capability to help others to do the same thing. 
Because I've watched someone become ill and lose their life over a bad lifestyle habits, and it created a huge impact on my life. 

I knew I wouldn't want to follow the same footsteps, and I wouldn't want to see anyone I love and care about to follow those footsteps either. I want to be able to help others live a healthy life, while bing happy at the same time. That is what inspires me to help you - to help you take the steps needed to develop healthy, lifestyle habits! I'd like to help you live a life where you're not only healthy, but be able to have confidence in your own body image, while making healthy choices and still being able to enjoy yourself! 

Online coaching is now available for any of you who are interested! Let me help you take those first steps to living a healthier, happier life! Send me an email at to get your fitness and nutrition plan started today!

Happy Sunday! 

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