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Saturday, January 18, 2014

Workout of the Day: 01/18 (Upper Body Circuit)

Today I really tried circuit training for the first time, and it destroyed me! 

It wasn't that it got my heart rate insanely high (but still higher than usual), but it was the constant switching back and forths that really burned out my muscles fast. I was trying to go from bench press to push ups and my arms would give in on me :( I switched to doing regular push-ups instead, in order for me to keep going. 

I finished the workout off with some much needed foam roalling.. ahhhhh, feels so good! 
If you're looking for a challenge, definitely give this circuit a try! 

Bench press, Shoulder press, Upright row, Bicep curls - 30 lbs 
Dumbbell overhead extension, hammer curls, tricep kickbacks - 8 lbs 

Thoughts of the day: 

This is a remind to myself and some helpful advice to all of my readers. 
"Be a warrior and not a worrier". Be stronger than your excuses. 
I am quite the worrisome person.  My boyfriend even pointed out that "I need to stop worrying so much". I worry about being late for class, missing the train, doing bad on my exams, messing up my workout routines and injuring myself... the list goes on.
So instead of coming up with excuses to avoid problems, focus on using strength to overcome those obstacles instead :)  


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