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Friday, January 24, 2014

Workout of the Day: 01/24 (Bicep Bananza)

Couple weeks back, I remember blogging about how I had the intentions of putting extra focus on one muscle group each month. Evidently that hasn't happened, but my biceps are definitely one of the prioritized areas for me. Why? Because it's probably what I flex the most in all my pictures (guilty!). 

Tip: It's easy to just go through the motions during 
bicep workouts. To really maximize the workout, 
focus on squeezing your biceps (or muscles in general) 
for a couple seconds when you're contracting 
your muscles (tummies in!) 

Here's a little progress update on my baby biceps 
(approx. september 2013 and now) 

Happy Friday! 
Cheers :) 

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