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Friday, January 9, 2015

How To Eat Healthy When Dining Out (01/09)

Aloha readers! 
For those of you who may be starting your new plans to eat healthier and get more active in the new year, you may be wondering how to balance between eating healthy and being able to enjoy yourself when you dine out. 

This post-holiday season, you won't have to avoid the restaurants to lose weight or get fit. Today's post will give you some helpful and effective tips to eat healthy when dining out with your loved ones :) 

Skip the complementary bread basket - sometimes it's hard to give up free stuff, but the - often white - bread can easily pack on the calories. Another reason to opt out of the bread basket is saving your stomach room and calories for appetizer or dessert instead. 
Skip the soda - choose healthy, lower-calorie alternatives like water or milk instead. 

Browse the restaurant menu before going - knowing ahead of time what kind of items are available can help you make the better choices. You can also pre-select dishes that you are interested in, and ask the server is you can modify the dish to make it a healthier alternative. Many restaurants are happy to accommodate these changes, often without extra charge.  

Ask for a nutrition facts table - some restaurants have them implemented, or separate, into their food menu, or can be found online on their website. If you're following a calorie-tracking or macro-tracking diet, this will help you plan out ahead of time what to order. 

Ask how the food is prepared - ask for necessary modifications, Choose alternative cooking methods for foods that are deep fried, crispy, gratin, or dipped. Look for healthy alternatives on the menu that are prepared by grilling, steaming, or baking. 

Ask for sauce on the side - think back to how often a dish comes out slathered in sauce. This can easily pack on the calories, especially if the sauce is made from butter, cream, or oil. Ordering it on the side allows you to enjoy it in moderation - but be sure to pay attention to how much you actually use! Asking for it on the side doesn't necessarily mean they will give you less! 

Ask for a doggy bag - portion out half of your entree to take home with you. Restaurant portion sizes are often much larger than recommended serving sizes, and much more than you'll need in one sitting. Packed leftovers can make greater meals for later on that day or for breakfast/lunch the next day. 

Give yourself the option of appetizer or dessert - having both can often lead to consuming excess calories at one meal. Many appetizers like spring rolls and calamari are deep fried, but some items can be grilled or baked instead. If you choose to have dessert, consider asking how it is prepared. If there is any cream/whip creme used in cooking/garnishing, ask if it can be removed. Fresh fruit desserts may be a good alternative, if no additional sugar-rich syrups are glazed over it. 

Try out these tips the next time you dine out, and comment below what you tried and how the experience went! I would love to hear your feedback on these posts - because they're meant to help YOU succeed! Until then! 


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