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Friday, January 2, 2015

You Don't Like to Exercise - But You Want To Start Working Out (01/02)

Aloha readers! 

We're two days in to the new year, and many of us have set new goals and resolutions for the new year.  You've come to my blog probably because you're searching for ways to be more physically active and be more healthy in 2015. 

But exercise may not be "your thing", you say. You've tried going to the gym regularly, maybe you've even tried purchasing expensive, yet ineffective, programs, detoxes, or exercise equipments. Only leaving you feeling unmotivated and disliking what you're doing. 

So what do you do? And how are you going to do it? If you're starting a new exercise program, your goal shouldn't be to become super buff, or lose a tremendous amount of weight (without the guidance of a trainer or a health professional). The first step should be getting to a point where you don't hate exercise anymore. Consistency will lead to results, and with that, you'll be more encouraged to work harder. 

Choosing a program that's very hard or super challenging may seem logical at first, but soon you may find yourself struggling and quickly losing motivation. It's not necessarily about choosing a challenging program, but rather choosing one that you CAN do, allowing you to STICK to the program. 

Once your fitness level starts improving, you'll enjoy the activity of exercising a bit more, and then you can venture off to try new things. But until then, choose something you KNOW you can do, and STICK TO IT. Like Nike said, JUST DO IT - whatever it is. Do it regularly - no excuses! Keep it simple, fun, and energetic! 

Here are 9 tips for starting and sticking to an exercise program that you choose. 
1. Find and build consistency. Like previously mentioned, make a commitment to your program and do it consistently. If you can't do it consistently, re-evaluate the program and make it more suitable. 

2. Take baby steps. Ever tried to jump too far, fell, and scraped your knee? It's the same idea for working out - except you're hurting your motivation and self-esteem. Progress a little bit each time, and do a little bit more each time. 

3. Choose something fun. Workout programs or routines don't always have to be dumbbells and treadmills all the time. Yoga classes, dance classes, martial arts, mediation classes - there are so many FUN options to choose from! Find your fun! 

4. Bring a friend. Motivate and compete with each other. Workout partners are great for keeping each other accountable, and it can feel less scary if you're trying out something new.

5. Join a sport team. It could be a new sport, or a sport you've played before. What can be even better than exercising with a friend? Exercising with a group of friends! Not to mention the socializing component too if you're trying to expand your network. 

6. Build an energizing playlist. Music can take you a long way. Do some searching online to create your own playlist, or download a pre-made one. Songza app has hundreds of playlists to choose from. If you want to go the extra mile, create a "pumped up" playlist and another playlist for when you're working out. 

7. Get a caffeine boost. Whether it may be first thing in the morning, or after work, a bit of caffeine can be your best friend to get some energy pumping through you. 

8. Upgrade your wardrobe. Workout shirts, pants, headbands, shoes, gym bag, etc. Pick up something new! There's something about getting new gear and wanting to take it out so you can flaunt it. 

9. Reward yourself. Doing something consistently requires a lot of hard work, time, and patience. It's an accomplishment worth celebrating, even if the tasks are small. Give yourself a pat on the back, reward yourself with a little something, and continue to work hard! 

I've went from not wanting to exercise, to having my fair share of struggles with being consistent with my health and fitness, but these tips are going to help both you and I make progress on being consistent too! Share with me in the comments below what you did / are going to do to start exercising!


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