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Monday, January 5, 2015

How To Start Workout Out In The Morning (01/05)

Aloha readers! 
So after looking at this posts tittle, you might be wondering "why would I want to start working out early in the morning ANYWAYS?" Well, for one thing - it frees up some time for you to do other things during the day! You won't have to worry about not having enough time to work out, or pushing aside other tasks to go workout. Or worse, pushing off your workout and completely skipping it. 

Early morning workouts can also help you feel more alert and awake, helping you get ready to take on the day, as well as improving your sleep, acuity, and productivity. But it can be hard - especially if you're not a morning person to being with. 

For myself, no matter how hard I try, I can't seem to get myself out of bed at 6 or 7 AM - unless it's something like getting ready for school. I'm the type of person that likes to sleep in until noon if I can, so I try to wake up around 8:30-9:00 to start my day off. If you're like me, and want to start waking up early to workout - or start your day off earlier - check out the 8 helpful tips below! 

 Ease into it. Start by setting your alarm clock for 20 minutes earlier than usual, and repeat that for an entire week. Then for the second week, set your alarm clock back another 20 minutes. Do this until you reach your desired "wake up time". It will take a few weeks, but this small increment can help your brain adjust. Try to aim for going to bed 20 minutes earlier too. 

 Set up a workout schedule for the week. Planning ahead of time will take you that much closer to success. It can help no matter what time you want to schedule your workout. This can be applied to work too. By planning both these schedules out ahead of time, you can plan busier days at work as your rest days, and vice versa. Building your schedule ahead around something you're looking forward to can also be an incentive to work harder/ be more productive on other tasks! 
Simple, but effective 

Ease into your morning workouts. If you've never woken up at 6AM for a workout, don't set yourself up for 4 gym sessions in a row at that time. Chances are, you aren't likely to make all of them. Start by scheduling one workout a week early in the AM, then slowly add days in as you get used to waking up early. To add some incentive to waking up early, plan something fun or exciting for that evening. Knowing that you've committed your time to something else you don't want to skip, you'll be more likely to get out of bed to do that workout! 

Determine your workout before bed. Be specific! Work agendas can help maximize efficiency if you plan out what you want to do. Rather than telling yourself "I'm going to workout before going to work", tell yourself "I'm going to wake up early and jog 2 miles before going to work." 

Lay out your workout clothes somewhere visible the night before. Setting them somewhere you can see them when you wake up will create a trigger, reminding you that you've committed to waking up early to workout this morning. Plus, you don't have to dig through the closet for something to wear in the morning. This won't give you the excuse to crawl back into bed because you "couldn't find anything to wear". If you plan on working out outdoors, check the weather forecast the night before and pack something suitable. 

Pack your gym bag the night before. If you do it last minute in the morning, chances are you'll use that as an excuse to not leave the house, or you end up forgetting things you need. As you start developing this routine, make a list of the essentials you need to pack - towel, water bottle, headphones, shampoo, soap, etc - leave this list somewhere visible while you're packing your bag the night before. 

Get a good nights sleep. Sounds simple and easy, but it's more important than it sounds. Allowing your body to get a good nights rest will allow you to feel fresh and recharged the next morning. 

Think positive thoughts. It can change your outlook on waking up early completely. Rather than thinking how tired you are and how badly you want to crawl back into bed, think about the exciting things you have planned! Think about how great you'll feel during and after your workout, how accomplished and refreshed you will feel. You'll be ready to take on the rest of the day! 
Lastly - remember, the only workout you'll regret about is the one you didn't do! 

I'm going to implement these tips into my routine to help me get up early for school and kick off my workout! I hope you'll give them a try too - leave me a comment below if you do ! 


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