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Monday, January 26, 2015

Workout of the Day - HIIT Circuit Training (01/26)

Aloha readers! 
Today I did something different, and by different I mean good! 
For the first time in a while I worked out with a friend! For the majority of the time (since I started really working out again), I've always worked out by myself. Seldomly a friend would join me to workout, but more than often we are working a different set workout that day so we just do our own thing. 

Today, a friend I met way back in junior high met up with me. It was very nice to catch up with her, not to mention having someone work out WITH ME and push me (and I pushed her too) to keep going and not give up. It's been a while where I've had an external source of motivation that pushed me like the way my friend pushed me today - and it felt AMAZING. And by amazing I mean exhausting, haha. 
Here is a breakdown of the workout we did today: 

Round #1: 
Jump squats - 15 seconds work, 45 seconds rest 
Mountain climbers - 30 second work - 45 seconds rest 
Jumping jacks - 30 seconds work - 45 seconds rest 
Side jabs with half squat - 30 seconds work - 45 seconds rest 
Alternating superman - 60 seconds work - 45 seconds rest 

THEN, my friend said let's kick it up a notch. So we took out the rest breaks and had roughly a 2 minute rest break at the end of the circuit. 

Rounds #2-4: 
Jump squats - 15 seconds work
Mountain climbers - 30 second work 
Jumping jacks - 30 seconds work
Side jabs with half squat - 30 seconds work 
Alternating superman - 30 seconds work 
2 minute break 

By the end of the 3rd round, we were having a tough time pushing through - but we verbally encouraged each other, and we made it through the fourth round, drenched in sweat. 

This working out with a friend thing is actually such a blast! I really enjoy (and need) my me time, but this I can get used to. Big thanks to my friend for coming out and working out with me! 


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