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Tuesday, January 20, 2015

The Daily Grind + Leg Day Workout (01/20)

Aloha readers! 
A few of you have reached out to me via private message and on instagram about my last blog post, and I am truly grateful for all your kind words!  Today is Day 2 of back to building the grind for me :) Things have been going well, with the exception of eating - adjusting to this new plan is a rough start! I'm not used to tracking my macros, thus I've been overeating quite a bit. The meal plan will help bring me back to eating the amount of food my body actually NEEDS - which is less than what I eat - so it will take some time for my body to adjust! 

I went to the gym in between volunteering today, and I have to admit it's still a little hard adjusting to this new gym :( When I envision myself going to the gym, I still have the old gym's layout engrained in my head! 

Today's workout was mainly leg focused, with some HIIT. 
Fire Hydrants
Lying Leg Curls 
Leg Extensions 
Dumbbell Curls 

Jump Squats 
Alternating Superman 
Jump Knee Touches 

I used to mix a lot of leg focused exercises and minimal glute focused exercises on leg day, so I'm changing that up as I want to start focus building my glutes :D For me to do work that into my workout schedule, days I have off from school will be dedicated to longer, upper body workouts, and other days will be split among HIIT, LISS (Low Intensity Steady State) cardio, and legs and glute workouts :) I'll keep you updated on how that works out. Until then! 


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