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Thursday, January 8, 2015

Why Women Should Start Lifting Heavy Things (01/08 )

Aloha readers! 
As a personal trainer and fitness enthusiast myself, I occasionally get asked questions related to health and fitness, particularly weight lifting.
When I first started working out, my goal was to lose weight - and all I did was cardio (running, more specifically). I was able to lose weight, but the weight loss plateaued pretty quickly. That's what I started exploring exercises that involved weights like dumbbells, barbells, and resistance machines. I fell in love FAST. The results were starting to show after a couple of months, and my friends and family began to notice the positive changes in my appearance and attitude. 
Besides the change in appearance and attitude, there are so many other benefits that should encourage us women to debunk the myth that lifting weights will make us manly or bulky. So how can lifting heavy things (or weights in general) benefit the female population, you ask? 

1. Build stronger, lean muscles. If you're trying to lose weight, burning excess fat stored is important, but building lean muscle mass is also very important for overall health. Many people think muscle weights more than fact. However, 1 pound of fat weighs exactly the same as 1 pound of muscle. In fact, muscle is about 18% more dense than fat, which is the reason why one pound of muscle occupies less volume/space than one pound of fat. Lean muscle also burns more calories at rest compared to it's counterpart - another great benefit to lift weights! 

2. Feel more confident in your own skin. Contrary to what people believe - that women lifting weights  will make them bulky and look manly - resistance training in a routine manner, paired with a nutritious diet, can help build sexy curves! 

3. Improve bone density. Bone mineral content is a rising issue in aging women. Bone density peaks in the late teens and early 20's for females, and can start breaking down as early as the age 30. Resistance training can help maintain and potentially improve bone density, decreasing the risk of osteoporosis. Resistance training can also help strengthen joint functions, tendon and ligament strength. 

4. Improve your stamina. Improved stamina helps you work longer without feeling tired as quickly. Building stamina also improves your overall fitness level. 

5. Improved sense of well-being. Doing something routinely to be physically active can help boost feel good hormones in your body, causing you to feel a self-confidence boost, and improve your overall mood and body image. 

6. Prevent and/or control chronic diseases, such as diabetes, heart disease, depression, and obesity. 

7. Prevent the slowing down of your metabolism. Metabolism can start decreasing slowly by the age 30. Weight lifting and building lean muscle can help maintain and potentially increase your metabolism. 

8. Handle your stress better. Stress is something we all deal with at different levels on a daily basis. Exercise, such as weight training, can help decrease the production of stress hormones. On top of that, the release of serotonin, a feel good hormone, can help you feel happier and more relaxed after a sweat session. 

Hopefully these are some good reasons to get you off your feet and ready to pick up the dumbbells for the first time! Please comment below if any of the above tips in particular worked for you! I'd love to hear your stories :) 


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