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Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Workout of the Day - It's Booooty Day! (01/06)

Aloha readers! Happy Tuesday!
Hopefully your week has been off to a great start! First week back to school, and I'm setting myself up for success by getting to the gym early! None the less, it was still super crowded! 
My school recently opened a new gym that is MUCH bigger, super nice, and has a lot more equipment. With that being said, it was still super crowded because there was so many people there! I had a little trouble figuring out how to navigate this new gym :P 

Starting off the new year gym visit with a booty focused workout! 
It definitely felt a little different doing this out in public rather than in the comfort of my own home, where I can pant and squeeze my glutes like crazy without having to "think about" what others might be thinking. 

A little reminder to my readers: 
Trying to do my bulgarian split lunges and this guy be like ....... 

This is a kind reminder to be aware of the space and surrounding around you! You may feel comfortable doing what you're doing, but sometimes you may be in other people's way. I almost stepped on this guys phone and hand because he swung his arm out when I was in mid-lunge. You can cause harm to not only yourself (in his case), but also to others (me almost rolling my ankle). 

On a happier note, here is my killer booty workout for today! 
Today's workout: 
Glute bridges - 12 reps - 25 lb barbell - 3 sets (focus on hyperextension) 
Glute kickbacks - 20 reps - bodyweight - 2 sets 
Bulgarian split lunges - 8 reps per leg - 10 lb dumbbells - 3 sets 
Dumbbell squats - 10 reps - 7.5 lbs dumbbells - 3 sets (no shoes, last set burnout) 
Bent-knee deadlifts - 10 reps - 7.5 lb dumbbells - 3 sets (no shoes, last set burnout) 
Hip abductors - 15 reps - 35 lbs - 3 sets (last set burnout) 

I ended the workout session with a much needed 40 minute foam rolling session. My thighs are already so sore and in quite a bit of pain, but it's all worth it! I had a lot of kinks and knots in my fascia to workout out! Planning to foam roll some more later this evening when I get home :) 

If you're new to weight lifting, or have some interest in building lean, sexy muscle, stay tuned for tomorrow's article on the why's and benefits of weightlifting for females! Until then! 


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