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Thursday, January 1, 2015

8 New Year Workout Tips (01/01)

Aloha readers! Happy New Year! 
May the new year be a year of rewarding, hard work for you, allowing you to achieve the things you want! For many of you, you may be taking the first steps to making those New Year Resolutions into a reality. 
These new year workout tips has helped me in the past to start off the new year right, and I hope you'll find them helpful too! 

1. Be Realistic - Take a good look at your goals. Are they realistic? If not, re-evaluate them. Set obtainable goals, and start off slowly. Take baby steps each day towards your goal(s). To learn more about goal setting, check out my S.M.A.R.T. Goal setting article. 

2. Plan Ahead - If you fail to plan, plan to fail! 

3. Outline Your Plan - List the top 2 things you want to achieve in 2015. Then list what steps you're going to take, what you're going to do to express those steps, and write them all down. A planner will come in handy for planning out goal deadlines, and keeping yourself on track. 

4. Talk About It - Get excited! Tell your friends and family members, share you resolutions on social media! Use this as a method to keep yourself motivated and accountable. 

5. Track Your Progress - The scale may be the first method to use, but other methods like measure body circumference and before and after progress pictures are equally as effective. In fact, they may be better than relying on ONLY the numbers on the scale.  

6. Don't Beat Yourself Up - If you fail or have slip ups, get up and do it again. Don't give up on trying. No one accomplished anything by giving up after their first try. 

7. Stick To It - If you're doing something you've never done before, it will take some time to build it into a habit, especially with workout out. You may feel sore for the first few days, but don't let that stop you from keep doing it. Be sure to get plenty of rest. It can take up to 21 days for a new habit to become a solid habit. 

8. Enjoy Your Workouts - If you don't like it, why are you doing it! You should be liking / enjoying what you're doing. getting tired of the treadmill? Try the rowing machine! Or ditch the machines and pick up a pair of dumbbells! No really sure what you're doing, or if you're doing it right? Get a customized workout program from a trainer! This may also help you get guidance on the goals you've set! 

Leave a comment below and tell me what your resolutions are, and what you're going to do to achieve them! Have a great new years weekend! 


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