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Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Why Rest Days are Important! (05/14)

When you work out, your muscle tissues undergo a stretch and contract mechanism, and it will take time (and sufficient protein in your diet) to help replenish the muscle stores (and build on, in some cases). 

If you don't give your body enough time to rest (another reason why sleep is very important for recovery too!), your muscles won't be at maximum potential for the workout! 

I have never been the girl who worked out 5-6 days a week. Maybe someday I will be fit enough and have a lifestyle like that, but I've been able to go a max of 4 days a week. I listen to my body, and my body tells me that I need a day to rest every couple days. 

The Bikini Booty Summer Body Challenge I created started last week, and it was hard to get things back on schedule the first week! I had to take rest days on days when I was supposed to work out, which led to me working out 4 days in a row. My body is exhausted. But I made sure that I got enough sleep, ate nutritious foods (and enough of), and my favourite - taking baths infused with epsom salts. 

What are epsom salts? Epsom salts are composed of magnesium sulphate; two elements that are crucial to the bodily functions. Mixing half a cup of this lavender scented epsom salt into a hot running bath is not only relaxing for my mind, but also to my tired, tired muscles. This is a great way to restore magnesium and sulphate into your system. 

Magnesium is used for nerve impulse transmissions, formation of healthy bones and teeth, and more. Benefits of magnesium include: better sleep, a more relaxed nervous system, bigger and stronger muscles (due to up-regulation of growth hormones), and enzyme function. 
Sulphate helps strengthen the walls of the digestive system, and in proteins found in joints. Together, they are very useful for reducing inflammation, relieving pain, and reducing muscle cramps. 

This bag of happiness was only $8 at my local grocery store, and it's going to keep my muscles happy happy for the next couple months! 

I hope this helps you guys with your recovery days! 


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